Ready-to-cook & Ready-to-eat: Aliments La Bourgeoise and Fromagerie St-Guillaume at your service!

The current pandemic has probably forced you to review your product and service offering. A question of business survival for some and a way to meet new needs for others, which is why many companies quickly got into online sales or started to offer ready-to-cook or ready-to-eat boxes with home delivery services. Find out how Aliments La Bourgeoise and Fromagerie St-Guillaume can contribute to your efficiency and success.

80 years of cooperation in agriculture & food from here

La Coop Agrilait was founded in 1940 by some fifty milk producers from St-Guillaume who came together to bounce back from the major economic crisis of the 1930s. In 2020, always as united, their producers and their cheese experts are driven by the same determination and passion for dairy processing, without compromising on quality. This cooperative is celebrating its 80th anniversary this year and now has nearly 200 producer members, 935 auxiliary members and 250 employees who annually process 32 million litres of milk in its three units (Fromagerie St-Guillaume, Fromagerie de l’Île-aux-Grues and Aliments La Bourgeoise) located in the Centre-du-Québec and Chaudière-Appalaches regions.


The WOW effect of Aliments La Bourgeoise


The WOW effect of Aliments La Bourgeoise

Innovation is at the heart of Aliments La Bourgeoise team’s priorities. This company is ready and will be pleased to develop your private brands and any of your new concepts. Particularly specializing in frozen products, thanks to the incredible range of appetizers (spinach, onion, pesto, 4 cheeses) and Parmesan fondues which provide 1001 solutions for quick meals. A few minutes in the oven (or in the fryer) and you are done! Make your customers happy by offering them remarkable hot starters and toppings for salads, burger, sushi, soups, pasta, or memorable poutines! There is no limit to the WOW effect you can offer them by simply adding a touch of La Bourgeoise to your culinary creations.

Breaded tofu cubes that everyone is talking about

In addition to the cheese appetizers offered in different flavours, shapes and textures (and we have to admit that its breaded mozzarella sticks are amazing!), this company is happy to announce you the creation of new breaded tofu cubes. Delicious, you need to try them! Aliments La Bourgeoise is also able to produce breaded egg-based foods for breakfast, sandwich, or express brunch ideas.

* Advertising report – Fall-Winter 2020
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St-Guillaume, the fresh cheese!

St-Guillaume, the fresh cheese!

The quality and unbeatable freshness of Le P’tit Frais Cheddar curds has helped to build Fromagerie St-Guillaume’s reputation. Less acidic and less salty than other fresh cheese curds on the market, this cheese is real Cheddar, not just unripened cheese. Cheddarization brings an incomparable balance to its taste and elasticity. It also helps to maintain its whiteness and its precious texture that sings skouik skouik on your teeth. Although it is the ultimate ingredient in poutines, consumers also enjoy cooking it in so many ways. It is sometimes added as a garnish for spaghetti and other pasta. It is also found in the center of meatballs and as a topping in salads and soups. Ricardo has also made it the 4th essential ingredient in shepherd’s pie! Add P’tit Frais to any classic recipe and party it up!

To facilitate the assembly of your lunch boxes and ready-to-cook or ready-to-eat boxes, note that Fromagerie St-Guillaume can provide you with pre-portioned cheddar curds in bags ranging from 60 g to 100 g. These formats were first created to improve the efficiency of restaurateurs in preparing poutines, but they can also be offered as a snack or as an ingredient to complement your recipes.

A network at your service

Thanks to the network of 35 distributors exclusive to Fromagerie St-Guillaume who crisscross the roads of Quebec from the wee hours every morning, you benefit from unparalleled service. Whatever the reason you might need cheese quickly, just talk to your distributor and he will most of the time deliver it to you the next day.

Don’t you have anything better to do than cut cheeses?

At a time of labour shortages, all your efforts and costs are numbered. Optimize your efficiency with pre-packaged St-Guillaume cheeses. They are available in 19 mm cubes, sliced ​​or grated, in addition to the traditional blocks and wheels, in formats ranging from 500 g to 18 kg. In addition to its famous daily fresh cheese, Fromagerie St-Guillaume offers a wide range of convenience cheeses ranging from mild, medium, sharp and extra-sharp Cheddar, to Parmesan, Brick, Monterey Jack, Swiss, Emmental, Pizza Mozzarella and Halloumi (grilling cheese).

Quebec’s best Halloumi Cheese

A favourite cheese among visitors to the Fête des fromages d’ici of Montréal en lumière every year, several people from the Lebanese community told the cheese factory that it is the best Halloumi in Quebec! Its sweet cinnamon and coconut flavour, which nigella and mahaleb give it in making cheese, reminds them of the authentic Halloumi of their country. It keeps its shape when heated in a pan, raclette or on the BBQ. It disappears very quickly when served as an aperitif to guests and it steals the show when served as a garnish for poke bowls and salads.

The union of your strengths and your creativity

Maybe you already have a product that could be improved through collaboration with Aliments La Bourgeoise and Fromagerie St-Guillaume? Or, maybe you have this great idea just waiting to be launched? Don’t forget that Aliments La Bourgeoise and Fromagerie St-Guillaume also have access to the full range of fine cheeses from Isle-aux-Grues. Do you feel inspired? Contact these companies today!

* Advertising report – Fall-Winter 2020